01 March 2010

Physics Phun

Started my first classes today for a Physics practicum.

The kids are great, though I had a couple sleepers. Apparently I was going slowly so that's something to pick up tomorrow and really get some problems going.

I guess I'm teaching what I find interesting. Take Newton, for example. Here's an interesting guy: he writes a book in Latin (probably a little tongue-in-cheek since Descartes had just written a book about 40 years before with a similar-sounding title), and the stuff he's writing about carries on to be true for the following 500 years. That's like Shakespeare stuff.

Well, if you believe in Shakespeare. I'll save the Edward de Vere theory for a different post though.

Today and this month is all about Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravity. Can be good stuff, if you're into Dynamics. These kids just want to work on problems all the time though, don't want to know the history behind it... There's so much to learn later, I guess it makes sense.

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