20 November 2010

November 19th 2010

Yesterday held an amazingly peaceful and awe-inspiring occasion: I joined in on a sweat lodge ceremony down at Glen Rouge Campground.

No words to describe it, just memories now.

13 September 2010

2Smart, not eSmart

Planning to start up a company and actually starting up a new company are quite distinguishable tasks. I thought perhaps September would be an excellent month to start up a new tutoring company, riding the back-to-school wave, yet circumstances keep distracting me from Getting Things Done.

There comes a point at which not GTD (that need to get done) is quite annoying. These are things I wish to do and yet why does Facebook and looking up other projects take higher precedence?? Does my brain not realize the priority scheduling here? Seriously, a blog about it comes before it?!

I spout but it's all only hot air. For now.

14 August 2010

Hot Chocoffee Heaven

Have discovered culinary creation bliss today:

Coffee + hot chocolate powder = delicious chocoffee.

... Next step, drip coffee, not instant.

16 July 2010

Scared Skately

Since the Olympics, I've had an urge to pick up skateboarding. Lucky enough to be gifted one through Freecycle two months ago, it sat in our closet and mocked me in my dreams. I was envisioning being able to do cool tricks with snowboards and practice in the summer sun with a skateboard.

Well today I tried it out. I bit the bullet and took it outside, a nice sunny day with neighbours moving furniture, walkers and strollers going by, taking their children and pets out for a turn...

Honestly, why can't people stay inside so they are unable to watch me make a fool of myself, hm? That's all I ask. Go away, eyeballs. ("Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a q-tip!")

So yes, I was completely self-conscious -- me, easily 20 years older than when I first tried one out as a child, and paddling about on the little board like I could barely swim. Not embarrassing exactly, but I feel like I should be more adept at it from the get-go. Those boys make it look so easy! They're like, what, five years old? C'mon feet, do your thing! Keep your balance!

Sigh. There's only one thing to do to get this out of my system... Practice.

08 July 2010

Your Hotness

Toronto is hot, hazy, and humid this week. Feels like 40 oC or higher (that's over 100 oF there, Southerners).

It's so hot outside...

... our landlord has the air conditioning cranked up -- and wah wah wah, yes, I'm actually freezing.

... I saw a woman walking in her bare feet *on the sizzling pavement* rather than have to put on her hot black shoes. Crazy lady.

18 June 2010

All Gramaduated Now

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for taking graduation photos outside the University of Toronto...

The year has finally come to a close and we enjoyed a morning of graduation ceremonies inside Convocation Hall.

The funniest moment was at the end of the ceremony, when all the graduates performed the wave from their seats. The university dignitaries joined in on the third go-round as the room exploded in cheers!

Lunch with the family at the 3 Brewers was delicious, if a little disappointing in the beer selection. The day had been so tiring that we plodded home and had a nap!

Wonderful day though. :)

06 May 2010

Preying Beasts


There's a large beast attacking a small animal in my apartment!

It kind of reminds me of a chain saw. Or a blender. Or Tuvan throat singing.

I can't be sure...

18 April 2010

RateBeer Moments

This will hopefully be the start of a fun series of comics, mostly based on comments I've heard over the course of many beer tastings with fellow raters, friends, and strangers.

Read the first one here or online at bitstrips.com.

07 April 2010

I'm a Space Cadet!

Not really. But I feel like one with all the crazy choices and changes going on.

My practicum finished with a little "poof!" as I handed back their tests and report cards and they chatted about university for the rest of class. They're so naive about the amount of work coming their way.

And suddenly I found myself back in classes myself this week, at OISE, on a very different schedule. Wah wah wah, I know, I get Wednesdays off. But not today, there's a day-long conference on Building Futures and apparently you have to stay all 6 hours to get the resource package at the end.

I've been wanting to volunteer somewhere for years. Last week I spoke to another teacher about becoming a civilian instructor for the cadets. This Monday I found a nearby squadron, and Tuesday night I found myself walking to their training night at a local school. Eventually I was introduced to the officers and we all chatted about what the cadet program is about.

Sadly it's in the bag, if I decide I want it: this particular group is desperate for a female supervisor.

Sometimes I feel like I get jobs not just because of my adequate abilities but because I'm a girl. I wish it wasn't that way... but not enough to turn down the jobs.

Let's face it, everyone needs something up their sleeve if they want to do what they want to do.

Now comes some decisions to make.

20 March 2010

I shall call you Bitey...

Met with a big, frisky dog yesterday. He tried to encourage me to play with him by biting my hand.

Not. Good.

The owner had just gone inside his house to get a plastic bag... to pick up the massive pile of crap said dog had just distributed over our shared neighbour's lawn.

I guess the dog wanted someone to play Fetch with.

Wasn't sure if I should have stuck around to speak with the owner, or get the hell out of there.

(I chose the latter.)

01 March 2010

Physics Phun

Started my first classes today for a Physics practicum.

The kids are great, though I had a couple sleepers. Apparently I was going slowly so that's something to pick up tomorrow and really get some problems going.

I guess I'm teaching what I find interesting. Take Newton, for example. Here's an interesting guy: he writes a book in Latin (probably a little tongue-in-cheek since Descartes had just written a book about 40 years before with a similar-sounding title), and the stuff he's writing about carries on to be true for the following 500 years. That's like Shakespeare stuff.

Well, if you believe in Shakespeare. I'll save the Edward de Vere theory for a different post though.

Today and this month is all about Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravity. Can be good stuff, if you're into Dynamics. These kids just want to work on problems all the time though, don't want to know the history behind it... There's so much to learn later, I guess it makes sense.

20 February 2010

March on, C-cubed

March is nearly upon us and another practicum is nigh.

I'm definitely looking forward to my next placement: interesting people, students and subjects all around.

And by that I mean I am now privy to scandalous information that may help in future bribin--- I mean, Boy, I need to start applying for teaching positions.

Just kidding. I'd never bribe anyone. ;)